Talking Folk with The ELephant Sessions
by Nadine Lee
The Elephant Sessions performing at Northern Roots 2013. Photo by Roddy Mackenzie.
Hailing from Inverness, The Elephant Sessions are an upcoming act set to make waves on the traditional Scottish mu...
- February 24, 2014 12:15 pm
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Bannockburn Visitor Centre Ready for Battle
by Nadine Lee
A 3D Robert the Bruce visits his troops at the new Bannockburn Visitor Centre
We're just back from a quick trip up the road to just outside Stirling to check out the new Bannockburn Visitor Centre,...
Romancing the Stone: Curling's Scottish Heritage
by Nadine Lee
On Thin Ice - Team GB at Sochi Olympic Games 2014
Who could have thought that a sport whose humble beginnings can be traced back five centuries to a frozen Scottish lake, would become one of the bi...
Clan Event Fund Recipients Announced
Donald likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Recipients of the Scottish Government's Clan Event Fund were announced today, with over £26,000 in funding awarded to clan events as part of 2014 Homecoming Scotland celebrations.
Enterprise and Tour...

Hands Across Hadrian's Wall
by Nadine Lee
Hadrian's Wall
A Tory MP has called for 100,000 Britons to hold hands across Hadrian's Wall this summer, in order to prevent Scotland voting for independence. Once used as a defensive fortification...
Emperor Hadrian, Hadrian's Wall, Hands Across the Border, MP Angus MacNeil, MP Rory Stewart, Roman Empire, Scottish independence
Macbeth News: Blockbuster Set to Film on Skye, Windfarm...
by Nadine Lee
Macbeth Illustration
The Isle of Skye has been confirmed as a shooting location for the latest version of Macbeth to take to the silver screen. The Hollywood blockbuster, starring Oscar contender M...
Glencoe Plaque Found in Edinburgh Antique Shop
Carol Hunter-Sullivan likes this.
by Nadine Lee
The Glencoe Massacre Site Plaque - Image courtesy Deadline News
A plaque commemorating the victims of the Glencoe Massacre has been discovered in an Edinburgh antique shop, 40 years after it went m...
Antiques, Clan Campbell, Clan MacDonald, edinburgh, glencoe, Glencoe Massacre

PM Cites Clan Cameron Heritage in Referendum Speech
Carol Hunter-Sullivan likes this.
by Nadine Lee
David Cameron answers questions from the media in East London after his speech on the importance of Scotland to the UK.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron has referenced his clan heritage in an appeal...
Alex Salmond, Bannockburn, Clan Cameron, Culloden, David Cameron, Independence, Lord Lovatt

Royal Stewart Descendents Alive and Well
by Nadine Lee
The Seal of Robert II, King of Scots. 1316-1390
Half of all men in the United Kingdom with the surname Stewart, or Stuart, can claim ancestry from Scotland's Royal family. Research released by Scot...
Scots Pine Announced as Scotland's National Tree
by Nadine Lee
The Scots Pine
Despite our campaign to have the Rowan crowned as Scotland's national tree, we're rather blue to report that the Scots Pine has officially taken out the title. Last year thousands of...
Sgt.Fox My New Blog On Tartan Footprint
Today Is Sunday 2 Febuary 2014.I Am(NEW)On(TARTAN FOOTPRINT)And I Have Lots Of Things To Do And Find Out about This website.So Far I Have Two(FRIENDS)And I Hope ToMake More.Hope I Can Get(GILLIS)And(F...
Fears of Overseas Criticism if Bannockburn Event is Sca...
By: Rodger Moffet - ScotClans
There are concerns that the already beleaguered Bannockburn Live event scheduled for the end of June this year may suffer even more set backs with one of the event day...
Bannockburn, Gathering Clans
The Clans of Ireland
by Nadine Lee
Clan Map of Ireland, 1485
This time tomorrow I'll be jet-setting across the ditch to Ireland for a quick break with my wee brother who is currently visiting me in Edinburgh. We'll be spending some ...
Vikings Force Closure of Shetland Fire Station
by Nadine Lee
A Shetland fire station has been forced to close its doors as the result of a viking fire festival. Two fire fighters from the station on the Island of Bressay have refused to shave their beards ahe...
Vikings, Shetland, Up Helly Aa
History & Mystery in Edinburgh’s Closes