The White Lady of Corstorphine
Marilyn Sloper and Lisa Bumgarner like this.
by Donald
The Lords Forrester were a principal family in the Corstorphine area of Edinburgh. Their main home was Corstorphine Castle, a 14th century stronghold which, by the 18th century, was nothing but ruins,...
edinburgh, Ghost, Scottish Hauntings
- October 30, 2009 3:42 pm
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Scotland's Most Haunted Castle Plays Down Ghost Stories
by Donald
Glamis Castle near Forfar in Angus is Scotland's, and one of Britain's most haunted castles. However it is trying to distance itself from the paranormal stories that the place is famous for, and ins...
The Beaton Doctors of Mull
by Donald
The Beatons of Mull, the famous 'Ollamnh Muileach', were a family of doctors, whose origins can be traced back to Béthune in France, and are said to have been very talented with a rather unique medi...
Scotland's Oldest Man Dies
by Donald
Scotland's oldest man, Robert 'Bob' Taggart, has passed away on the 13th of Augus tat the age of 109, less than three weeks after being crowned Britain's oldest man, after the death of First World W...
Boycott on Scotland after al-Megrahi's Release
by Donald
Scotland's worst terrorist incident occurred on the evening of Dec. 21, 1988 when a bomb exploded on board a PanAm Boeing 747 air liner on course from Frankfurt to New York. It crashed on the villag...