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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.
Amanda Moffet
Burns Night Emergencies - What we have in stock
Here at ScotClans we see that ordering clothes for Burns night always catches people by surprise and we get inundated with people desperately needing some tartan to wear to their Burns event. The dea...
Amanda Moffet
Memories of Elizabeth Rose
Elizabeth Rose : Obituary Published in the Scotsman Publications on 15 December 2012 ROSE Anna (Kilravock) Peacefully, at Nairn on December 9, 2012, aged 88 years, Baroness Anna Elizabeth Guillemard...
Amanda Moffet
The Gooseberry Bush of Kilravlock Castle
There is said to be a curse on Kilravock Castle and the Chiefs of Clan Rose. It was told that if a gooseberry bush that grew at the top of their main tower died, so too would the male line. It is not...
Amanda Moffet
Is there a connection between Burness and Campbell of A...
We have been having an email conversation with someone looking into whether Burness is indeed associated with Cambell of Argyll. In Books such as 'Tartan for Me' it does link Burness with Campbell,...
Tartan Footprint
Site coming soon
Please be patient - we are currently working on this site.  We plan to offer lots of useful information about coming to Clans2014 and visiting Stirling. This is not the official government site.  T...