Brenda Hawkins is now friends with
- January 4, 2016 9:06 pm
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Brenda Hawkins
Thank you! Merry Christmas and Happy New year (or Hogamany!) to you also!
- December 24, 2015
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How do you determine your clan? My tree has Stewarts/Stuarts, Macgregors, Campbells, (don't hold that one against me ; ) ), Buchanans, Macdonalds, how do I know which clan in mine?
Sir.Randall Paul Haffley
brenda dear first go by yer male/dad side then spouse but many family surnames are of thee same connected clan so say 50% + are of de same house/clan, look up de clans an see all names associated with dat house/clan tis will tell u which clans an if u wish join contact them.. bes wishs me friend..
- October 14, 2015
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Brenda Hawkins
Thanks, I posted part of my tree, but I don't see where it ended up!
Brenda Hawkins posted on Amanda Moffet's wall.
You seem to know a lot about Scottish ancestry, so please forgive me asking you, but how do you determine your clan??? It seems like it just depends on what line you go with? Also, I'm in the US, we...
Brenda Hawkins updated her profile photo.
Brenda Hawkins is married
Brenda Hawkins updated her profile information.
Ok, just found this site, I'm state-side with Scottish roots (did my DNA, not just because everyone wants to be Scottish!) Sooooo, is this a good place to get help with finding more about your lineage...
Amanda Moffet
It will help with Scottish history, Clans, understanding and celebrating your roots. Most people with Scottish Roots don't get a chance to visit their ancestral homeland so this is good for feeling a bit part of it. 

- April 13, 2015
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Brenda Hawkins
Thanks! Yes, the clans and septs are a bit confusing to me, we have actually visited twice, both times for Hogmanay, we stayed the first time in Edinburgh and the last time in the Highlands, and I think my roots are mostly from the Highlands.
- April 13, 2015
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