Clan Carruthers
The name is from the lands of Carruthers in Middlebie parish in Dumfrisshire.
In the 13th century the Carruthers were stewards of Annandale under the Bruces.
Simon Carruthers who was parson of Middlebie swore fealty to Edward I and in 1320, Thomas Carutherys recieved a charter of the lands of Musfald and Appiltretwayt with pertinents.
Sir Nigel de Karrutheris was a cleric who obtained the rectory of Ruthwell in 1330 is mentioned again in 1337 and 1351 as Nigel de Carrothorys, canon of Glasgow.
In 1344 Sir Nigel de Carother is recorded as chancellor of Robert Steward of Scotland.
A charter was granted at Moysfald in 1361 in favour of John de Carotheris, Simon de Carrutheris witnessed a deed in 1394, and John of Carrutheris was among the 'borowis' for the Earl of Douglas's bounds of the West March in 1398.
John Carruthers was keeper of Louchmabane Castle in 1446 and William de Carrutheris was presbyter of Glasgow in 1460.
The Carruthers have owned the estate of Dormont since 1452 when it was granted to the family by Robert the Bruce.