Clan Chisholm
Clan Chisholm People
Erik Chisholm (1904-64)
Erik Chisholm was a composer, a Professor of Music and the founder of the Active Society for the Propogation of Contemporary Music which was established in Glasgow in 1929. Over 200 new works were given their first public performance thanks to Chisholm's efforts, to Hugh Macdairmid he dedicated his production of the huge Opus Clavicembalisticum by Sorabji.
In 1946 he became Professor of Music at the University of Capetown. During this time he wrote a number of short operas. To his wife Lillias, he wrote his most beautifull works, while his major works were to be the Indian and Pibroch Piano Concertos, and the Forsaken Mermaid, a ballet especially composed for the Celtic Ballet Company.