Clan Davidson
Clan Davidson Links
Clan Davidson Association UK
Genealogist, Historian & Membership Secretary: Nick Hide
The Clan Davidson Association hold an extensive collection of Davidson family trees, portraits, and heraldry. We can give help and advice to Clan members on researching their Davidson family history.
Email: contactus@clandavidson.org.uk
Secretary & Webmaster: Katrina Hide
Email: contactus@clandavidson.org.uk
Clan Davidson Society USA
Sennachie & Membership Registrar:
David G. Chagnon
Email: sennachie@earthlink.net
Lindsay Davidson
Lindsay Davidson has been Pipe-Major to the Clan Davidson Association since 1992. He was the first person in the world to finish any music academy majoring as a ‘piper and has founded several pipe bands and a music school, for which he developed a new system of teaching piping, adopted across the world. A major part of Lindsay's activity is promoting and developing piping in the western art field. In addition to his own compositions, Lindsay has given concerts, workshops and papers all over the world and he has premiered pieces composed specially for him.