Clan Elliot
Amanda Moffet shared a video
Lady chief of Clan Elliot's message to her kin
As chief of Clan Elliot, Margeret Elliot stood out at the great Gathering of the clans in Edinburgh as one of only seven lady chiefs in attendance.
From the article at http://scotland.stv.tv/the-gath>...
From the article at http://scotland.stv.tv/the-gath>...
- March 18, 2013 3:06 pm
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TM Elliott
When is the next Clan reunion?
- December 6, 2016
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My great-granddad (old John) spelled his surname Elliot---with just one T. My granddaddy started spelling it Elliott---two T's---after a grave unpleasantness occurred that would spur just about anyone...
Cat Elliott
My grandfather supposedly came from scotland he spelled elliott one T as a T the other as a cross when the family excepted Christianity. Though I cant be sure hope this helps some; there seems to be so many storys told. Now I have also heard we were sent to england that is when we took 2 t's or soon...
- August 24, 2015
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