Wall Comment: #640
Hi Glenna, haven't been on here for a while. Glad to see Bren. has made it. ;-)))) have to watch my back now, you know he always gets me into trouble. Hehe Regards Ian
- October 17, 2015 5:56 am
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Glenna Davidson Brock
Hi Ian! Good to hear from you! Yep, you and Bren do get into some trouble but at least you have fun!!
- October 18, 2015
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Ian Alfred Ferguson
Hi Glenna. One week into my trip to The Highlands already got myself into trouble. Hehe Had a bit of a fall trying to take photo,s during a storm on the west coast. Ok though managed to land on my head so no damage done. Hehe haha . How are you???? Hope you are well. Ian
- November 15, 2015
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Glenna Davidson Brock
That kind of trouble isn't much fun Ian! At least you didn't bang up anything vital!Hahaha! Try to have fun without hurting yourself!
- November 16, 2015
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Ian Alfred Ferguson
Thanks Glenna, No damage done hehe You are right have to protect what I have, so hitting my head is not going to course damage. Hehehaha
- November 25, 2015
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