Had a good night out last night sampling the local brew around the pubs in Fort William. Should have stuck with the beer and left the water of life alone. hehe A bit fragile today so no driving just ...
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Arrived at Helensburgh. Been out had a pint or two now ready for bed. Up bright and early tomorrow. Going to Inveraray and Oban.

Ian Alfred Ferguson
Hi Liz Iam now in Fort William. Good base to Move through the Highlands. Weather is windy cold but snow just on high ground. Here the gulf stram a bit warmer. Love it just walking with my camra. ;-)))))))
- January 10, 2016
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Ian Alfred Ferguson is now friends with
I think I have found a way to put my photos on here. But not happy having to reduce their Quality.
Anyone on Tartan on my rout want to have a coffee let me know. .-)))) Oh that includes if you live in England. hehe ;-)))))))