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Researching Scottish Ancestors - Invercargill, NZ

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Invercargill Public Library
50 Dee Street
New Zealand
0 miles
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Graeme Mackenzie MA (Cantab) is a professional genealogist and clan historian for the Clan MacMilan based in Scotland. Graeme will be visiting New Zealand in February as a guest of the Clan MacMilan society of NZ, and will be giving various talks as he travels the country,.

Graeme is also the Chairman of the Highland Family History Society and the founding chairman of the Association of Highland Clans and Societies. He has written several books, his latest being "Genealogy in the Gaidhealtachd - Clan and Family History in the Highlands". This book will be for sale at some of the talks Graeme is giving, otherwise it can be bought from the Highland Family Historical Society through their website.

Entry by door charge. Info:

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