We are excited to see all these new people joining Tartan Footprint. Please say hello and tell us where you are from. We're in Edinburgh.
- February 8, 2013 11:44 am
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I am in Cumming, Georgia in the USA...just north of Atlanta.
SE Wyoming here
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thaining thu"
Remember the men from whom you are descended.
I am in Idaho Falls Idaho originally from southeast Georgia My first Scottish ancestor came from the Glasgow area to Maryland in the mid 1660 Col John Douglas of the Lairds of Mains I am very proud of my Scottish heritage which is also intertwined with Dutch who also came to New Amsterdam in the mid 1600 s Love the pictures. We go to the Scottish games near Salt Lake City each June.

Hi Amanda. Kinda cool for me to see Scotland thru you. My Sinclair/Stewarts came from Scotland, went to Canada and it was my Grandparents who came to Boston, Massachusetts where I spend any free time reading up on Scotland past and present. This site is awesome!!
Renie Sinclair

Hiya. I'm from Ontario, raised in (briefly) Switzerland, England, & US, educated in Scotland, now living near Chicago. Did my degree at Aberdeen in Scottish history, focusing on emigration, and now I'm one of two historians for the Macalister clan (and descendants thereof). To earn a living of sorts I work at a public library as the local historian and genealogist, which is a pretty cool thing to get paid for. Hello to all!
Hi Lynn - great to have you on board the good ship 'Tartan Footprint'

We live in Flowery Branch Georgia, about 50 miles north of Atlanta. Glad to be apart of Tartan Footprints.
I have just found out about this site and am looking forward to using it. I'm in Manchester Uk my grandfather came from Aberdeen and was a Cameron Highlander. Me and my 2 brothers have always been extremely proud of our Scottish heritage and I visit Scotland regularly. It does feel like home.

Hello everyone, I am new to the group. I am from Ipswich, Queensland, Australia. Of what I know so far of my lineage, I am a descendant from clan Maclean, and I would like to one day research to discover more about the history.