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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.

who on here is on and has done DNA

I'm looking for relatives in Scotland - who's done DNA on Ancestry ?? or other sites ??

I'm on Ancestry but I've never done a DNA.. maybe someday.. I know where my mother's family is from.. Prestwick Ayrshire Scotland

I'm on Ancestry but I've never done a DNA.. maybe someday.. I know where my mother's family is from.. Prestwick Ayrshire Scotland

Let me know when you do and if we match
Tammy Droste said...

I'm looking for relatives in Scotland - who's done DNA on Ancestry ?? or other sites ??

I have
Tammy Droste said...

I'm looking for relatives in Scotland - who's done DNA on Ancestry ?? or other sites ??

I an on Ancestry and have do the DNA.

I’m on Ancestry and I did DNA testing.

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