Clan Heron
The family claims descent from the Herons of Chipchase in who are recorded in Northumberland in the 11th century.
Walterus de Hayroun was clerk to William the Lion between 1178 - 80.
Roger Heron, a charter witness in 1321, appears in a writ by Roger Corbet of Langton in 1330 as Roger Hayron, and Thomas de Heron, knight, was witness to a demise by Roger Corbet of Langton in 1329.
David Herroun was elected sargeant of Aberdeen in 1526, and John Herrowne was already burgess there.
The Herons were one of the many Borders riding clans who were pacified by James VI in the decade following his accession to the English throne in 1603.
Around 1688, the family had their lands of Kerroughtree in Kirkcudbrightshire consolidated into the barony of Heron.
A Robert Heron was born in New Galloway in 1764. He studied at Edinburgh University from 1780, supporting himself by teaching and translating French. He struggled to live within his means, and ended up in the debtors prison in 1791 where began writing 'A History of Scotland'. When he was released from the prison in 1793 he finished the history in six volumes. In poverty, Robert Heron died in 1807 at the age of 42.