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Hi Lauri, my name is Kimberly and I am trying to find additional family genealogy information. I ran across your note below. Growing up I was told the same story you shared below about John - marrying...Hi Lauri, my name is Kimberly and I am trying to find additional family genealogy information. I ran across your note below. Growing up I was told the same story you shared below about John - marrying a Cherokee Indian. I believe I am a descendant on the Manthooth side of the family. My grandmother was a Manthooth and she would tell stories of Cherokee Tom and Gentleman Thomas the Merchant. From what I have found so far, my relatives settled in Cocke County, Tennessee, later moving to Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. I’m wondering if you have any papers documenting this story, or birth records of John or really any that you’d be willing to share. Thank you.