Clan Kennedy
Clan Kennedy People
David Kennedy (1825-85)
Specialising in the traditional songs of Scotland, David Kennedy travelled and became known across the world for his singing. Touring with his family, he would be accompanied by them on stage with a repertoire of their national folk-songs, the period’s favourites and oratorio.
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (1857-1930)
David Kennedy’s daughter Marjory was used to singing folk songs in concert halls, having toured for years with her father. She was also a collector of folk-songs and is remembered for The Songs of the Hebrides which she published as a series.
Whilst the collection’s sales should be endorsement enough of success, some criticise the attempt at re-writing songs of the Isles for the stage. Kennedy also published collections of folklore.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-63)
Without doubt the most famous Kennedy ever, the 20th century’s most enigmatic American President was descended from the Celtic Kennedys of Old Ireland, progenitors of Scotland’s Kennedys, who chose to remain on their own side of the Irish Sea.
The 35th President was among the second generation of a powerful and wealthy dynasty, described as the United States’ own Royal Family, which continues to be much in the public eye today.