Clan Kinnear
Also found as Kynnier, this name originates in the lands of Kinnear near Wormit in Fife. The family is descended from Symon, son of Michael, who gave a carucate of land of Cathelai to the church of St. Andrews. This grant was confirmed by King Malcom IV.
The Kinnears were originally vassals of the Priory of St. Andrews in the lands of Kathlac which they held till the beginning of the eighteenth century.
Sir John de Kyner rendered rendered homage in 1296, Petrus Kynior was elected common councilor of Aberdeen in 1477, John de Kynor was admitted burgess of Aberdeen in 1439, and Adam Kynnor in 1457.
John Kynnier was retoured heir of David Kynnier de eodem*, his father, in 1543.
Henry Kinneir of Kinneir was made commendator of Balmerino Abbey in 1574, and John Kinneir of that Ilk was bailie of the Abbey.