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Looking for Paterson, Patersone, Patterson connections. My ancestry is jacked up because once I added my fam info suddenly there were so many more Pattersons and we already had a ton. Trying to sor...Looking for Paterson, Patersone, Patterson connections. My ancestry is jacked up because once I added my fam info suddenly there were so many more Pattersons and we already had a ton. Trying to sort it out.
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My Scottish roots happened when Janet Irvine married a Patterson and came to America. She was born at the cusp of the Jacobite incident and I never understood why she would marry a poor farmer lol. My...My Scottish roots happened when Janet Irvine married a Patterson and came to America. She was born at the cusp of the Jacobite incident and I never understood why she would marry a poor farmer lol. My poor American mind had no idea then what happened. I am proud of my Irvine-Patterson grandparents and now better understand the connection between those families. I’d like to connect with any members of either clan. Your American cousin.