Clan MacInnes
MacInnes is a Celtic name derived from Mac Aonghais - Gaelic for the son of Angus. The earliest reference to the sons of Angus is given in the 7th century 'History of the men of Scotland' Senchus fer n'Alban.
The Scots of Dalriada were divided into 3 kindreds, Gabran, Lornet and Angus that possessed the Isle of Islay.
The next time their name appears is on the mainland of Morven, in possession of Kinlochaline Castle. It was attacked and burnt in 1645 by the MacDonalds under Montrose. They became dependants of Campbell of Argyll, supported the Hanovarians against the Jacobites, but one branch fought for the Jacobite cause.
In common with many fragmented families many emigrated to Canada, New Zealand and other English-speaking countries.