Clan MacNeill of Barra
Clan MacNeill of Barra People
Torquil MacNeill (c.1449)
MacNeill of Taynish, he was the keeper of Castle Sween in Knapdale, who founded many branches of the family.
Rory MacNeill (d. circa 1610)
A fifteenth century chief of the clan, and described as a hereditary outlaw. Known as “The Turbulent” or “Ruari the Tartar”, he was famed for his wild Viking ways.
Gen. Roderick MacNeill (d. 1863)
The last chief of Barra in the direct line, he was forced to sell the island of Barra.
Sir James C. MacNeill (d.1904)
The last owner of Colonsay before it passed from MacNeill hands, he went on to be awarded the Victoria Cross.
Cornell Hill MacNeill (b.1922)
A well-known American opera singer.