Clan Maule
The Maules descended from a family of de Maules who were land owners in the Seine-et-Oise area of France. Pierre de Maule is associated with in particular since he came over to Britain with the Norman invasion of 1066.
Robert de Maule appears to have been the first recoreded in Scotland with this surname, and he probably arrived at the same time of David I's reutrn to Scotland after fighting in England.
Robert appears as a witness in a charter by Henry, Earl of Northumberland, the son of David I, where he granted lands to Eustace Fitzjohn. He appears to have had lands in the Lothians, and may have given his name to Maudslie in Temple parish.
Robert's son, William de Maule fought at the Battle of Standard in 1138, where the Scots under David I were defeated by William of Aumale's English army. However, William was rewarded with the lands of Easter Fowlis in Perthshire.
Around 1140, William witnessed the confirmation of a charter to the church of St. Mary of Haddington from Henry, Earl of Northumberland for the lands of Clerchetune, now Clerkington. De Maule also had lands in Selkirk and Clackmannan, given as grants from Malcolm IV.
Peter de Maule obtained the large baronies of Panmure and Bervie through his marriage to Christina de Valoniis, sometime before 1215.
In 1291 Sir William de Maule pledged his allegiance to England's Edward I at St. Andrews.
Other recorded Maules include Sir Michael de Mauwel who was a monk of Aberbrothok in 1361. In 1600, Thomas Mauld was maister of the Grammar Schole in Elgin, and James Maule was factor to James Stuart, the 8th Earl of Moray during 1756. In 1654, a person of this family name entered the Swedish service, known as Mel.