Clan Norvel
The name Norvel, also seen as Norval, was originally a shortened version of the surname Normanville, but is now a name in its own right.
In 1373, Robert Norvyle was witness to the resignation of lands in Fife by Sir David de Wemyss.
Johannes Norwald, who was dominus de Cardownalde (Cardonald, near Paisley), was a witness, in 1413, to a notorial instrument.
In Stirling, in 1549, William Norwell was an amerciat, and it may be the same person as William Norvell, 'thesaurar of the burght of Striviling' in 1561, and may even be the William Norwell who represented Stirling in the Scottish parliament between 1568 and 1586.
John Norvell was burgess of Stirling in 1596, and in 1605 Gilbert Norvell was admitted burgess of Aberdeen. Also in Aberdeen, there was a recorded merchant burgess there by the name of Jon Norwall in 1611.
In 1619, William Norwall was burgess and guild brother of Glasgow, and in Carluke, Alexander Norvall was a notary in 1656.
Other recorded spellings of the surname include: Norowell, Noruell, Norval and Norvel of that Ilk.