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Wall Comment: #522

william johnstone
The room was full of pregnant women with their husbands.
The instructor said,
"Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you.
Walking is especially beneficial.
It strengthens the pelvic muscles a...
Deb Logan Nixon
Typical male...making the woman carry his balls for him hahahahahah....JOKING gentlemen!
Glenna Davidson Brock
Sooooo many things I could say here, but I think maybe I'll behave this time! Hahaha!
Deb Logan Nixon
I did....sort of!
Glenna Davidson Brock
They left the door wide open! Hard to resist, I know!!ߘ
Liz Doyle
Cute. :-D
Deb Logan Nixon
Hey Dawna! You were up...either real early or reallll late! hahaha