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Wall Comment: #555

Scottish Jokes
A bad day all around...

A Glasgow man thinks his wife is having an affair, so he decides to come home in the afternoon to see if anything is going on. When he gets in his wife is in bed alone, she says...
Marilyn Sloper
Didn't see that ending coming... LOL! Good one, Iain.
Marilyn Sloper
Yikes! I meant to write Stirling. I need an edit button.
Stirling Thompson
I need an edit button too, mabe then I can spell Marilyn correctly.
Marilyn Sloper
ROFL!! That was funny, Stirling!!!!!
Marilyn Sloper
You'll also need an edit button for "mabe", too. Gotta love how computers get lazy and just skip letters as if it's too much work for them to put in everything we type.