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Scottish Poetry
Robert Tannahill 1774-1810
Born in Paisley. He was a cotton weaver. The weavers had a reputation for intellectual and artistic endeavour. Tannahill was shy and morbidly sensitive. In 1807 he had a volu...
Scottish Poetry
The Return (A Piper's Vaunting)
by James Pittendrigh Macgillivray

Och hey! for the splendour of tartans!
And hey for the dirk and the targe!
The race that was hard as the Spartans
Shall return aga...
Scottish Poetry
For Scotland
by Robert Fuller Murray (1863 - 1894)

Beyond the Cheviots and the Tweed,
Beyond the Firth of Forth,
My memory returns at speed
To Scotland and the North.

For still I keep, and ever shall,
A warm...
Scottish Poetry
Found this one in South Africa!

Where Goes my Heart?
If my body lays mouldering 'neath the Hot African soil
Where goes my heart?

It soars, with eagles, among snow topped Highland mountains

Among the gree...
Scottish Poetry
John Barleycorn
Robert Burns


There were three kings into the east,
Three kings both great and high;
And they hae sworn a solemn oath
John Barleycorn should die.


They took a plou...
Scottish Poetry
John Buchan (1st Baron of Tweedsmuir) was born in Perth, Scotland in 1874 and was the oldest son of Rev. John Buchan and Helen Buchan. He studied at the University of Glasgow and Brasenose College, Ox...
Scottish Poetry
Today is the birthday of the Scottish poet James Thomson!

Thomson, James, 1700-1748, Scottish poet. Educated at Edinburgh, he went to London, took a post as tutor, and became acquainted with such liter...
Scottish Poetry
The poem is named after a deserted township located on the south-eastern corner of the Hebridean island of Raasay, the poet's birthplace. It is a reflection on the nature of time and the historical im...
Scottish Poetry
Here's one from James Hogg known as the "Ettrick Shepherd" 1770 - 1835.


James Hogg

Caledonia! thou land of the mountain and rock,
Of the ocean, the mist, and the wind-
Thou land of the torre...
Scottish Poetry
Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne 1766 - 1845

Although many people may not recognise her name, Carolina Oliphant's songs are second only in popularity to Burns. She wrote such classics as "Will Ye No' Com...
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Marilyn Sloper
The beauty of this poem shines through each and every word. So good!
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