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Wall Comment: #625

Customs, Myths & Legends
Scottish Halloween traditions...

Like many ancient (celtic) festivals, Samhain (summer's end) continued with the coming of Christianity. November 1st was henceforth to be All Saints Day. The night befo...
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Marilyn Sloper
These bits of history are so interesting! I always learn something from them. And Halloween was my favorite holiday as a child. I had so much fun on it that some years it beat out Christmas, in my childish estimation! LOL~
Stirling Thompson
That was probably a sugar high, but I know what you mean.
Marilyn Sloper
I'm sure you're right, Stirling. All that candy was like manna from Heaven. Best thing was, if I was told I couldn't have a snack, all I'd do is go to my hidden stash and munch down. Once Halloween was over, weeks could go by before I'd feel hungry again. LOL.