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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.

Teampull Mhuire, Nunton, Benbecula.

February 6, 2013 by
February 6, 2013
File Size:
159.03 kb
Battle Wins:
Teampull Mhuire, Nunton, Benbecula.
Chas Mac Donald
Have a look at my profile for a lovely panoramic of Clan Ranald country, where we hold the annual Clan Ranald Gathering, and where we will be holding the Clan Donald Gathering for 2014.
Chas Mac Donald
Where are all the Clan Ranalds!
Helen McDonald
Wish I could be there for the Gathering in 2014..but you never know! Was in Scotland 2007, and said I would return..
Pauline Campbell
Hello to all the Clan Ranalds out there. John McDonald,a Clan Ranald was the head of our line and fought at the Battle of Culloden. I visited the site 6 years ago, and found it very moving.
Tartan Footprint
something thats really interesting about this site (ill see if i can find a better pic) the small ruined church is partly buried. the doorway is only a foot high! I think that earth piled up from burials has made the church appear to sink into the ground
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