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Clan MacMillan - The Clan Parade - The Gathering 09

February 6, 2013 by
Clan MacMillan - The Clan Parade - The Gathering 09
February 6, 2013
File Size:
152.04 kb
Battle Wins:
Clan MacMillan - The Clan Parade - The Gathering 09
Julie Brown Diffey
Any more MacMillans on here?
Andrew Moore
If the "likes" are an indicator, there are three of us here. Greetings from the wild west.
Rodger Moffet
We're just firing out an email to about 12,000 subscribers so hopefully we should see a few more turning up this evening. There is an ability to add contacts now so that can help to invite more of your clan!
Marion McMillan
That's me coming behind Susan.
Charles E Powell
Is the name Mc Mullen a part of Clan Mc Millan?
Marion McMillan
Charles E Powell
Thank you I have no idea from what part of Scotland he came from
Marion McMillan
could be Ireland with that spelling.
Charles E Powell
Thank you we have the information from a man years go that was gathering information on people who move into southern Georgia now some of that information msy be incorrect I havent gotrten any direct proof of his ties to Scotland Wish I knew more.eed to do more work on him. Thank you
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