Clan Polwarth
The surname Polwarth comes from lands of the same name, within the parish, also of the same name in Berwickshire.
A quitclaim by Patrick, Earl of Dunbar, was witnessed by Adam de Paulwrth. Another charter by the same Earl was witnessed by Adam, however, this time his name was recorded incorrectly as 'de Pauliswithe', and a charter by Patrick's son, the heir to the Earldom, who was also called Patrick, was also witnessed by Adam.
In or around 1210, a charter by Walter Olifard was witnessed by Ada de Polwrth.
A charter, in regards to a grant to Melrose Abbey by Patrick, Earl of Dunbar, was witnessed by another Adam de Paulwurth sometime between 1230 and 1231.
In 1258, Robert de Paulworth and his wife Beatrix made an exchange of lands.
A donation to Dryburgh Abbey by Henry de Aynestrother was witnessed by Patrick de Poulworth circa 1330, and he was also a witness to a charter in Edinburgh some thirty-four years later, in 1364, but this time as Patrick de Polworche (the t was misread as a c).
In 1371, William de Polword, a Scot, was granted letters of protection for going abroad.
Sir Patrick Polworth of that Ilk was the last of the Lairds of Polworth of that name. He handed over his lands to George, Earl of March, his feudal superior, who, in 1377, granted them to John Sinclair of Herdmanstown.
Joan of Arc's standard was painted by Hennes (Hames or Hauves) Polvoir, or Poulvoir, a Scot, at Tours, and his name is believed to be a French attempt at Polworth.
In 1668, in Boigcoat, Grissillda Polwart was heir of Alexander Polwart.