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Judson Walker Greene

Lives in  Massachusetts United States ·
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Status Update: #1143

Judson Walker Greene
hey all. i know i haven't been on in a while, it's because i was out of the office on job sites.
Marilyn Sloper
Welcome back, Judson! I was looking at my friends' list the other day and wondered where you had gone. Glad you are able to get back on now! It's just not the same without you!

Did you have a hail storm yesterday, down your way? We had one up here. Turned very cold these last 2 days/nights too....
Judson Walker Greene
we're gunna loose some cherry tomatoes and the rest of the lettuce, but that's ok. herbs will hold up for a while.
we got below freezing the past couple of mornings.
no hail, but we did have snow flurries yesterday; shocked a lot of people around here.
i might still be going out to job sites through t...
Marilyn Sloper
Judson, you can only eat but so many cherry toms and lettuce. Most of my cherry toms are still green and the frost got 'em all. It took them 3-4 months to start ripening. Waaay too long for my neck of the woods. The cherry toms were suppose to be ripened in 65 days hahahahahahahahah!!!!! Must hav...
Judson Walker Greene
taht would be 65 days of 14 hours od sunlight and timed watering with feeding....
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