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Judson Walker Greene

Lives in  Massachusetts United States ·
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Status Update: #829

Judson Walker Greene
ok, time to battle the traffic to drive back to the house ... there is something about Rt. 128 / 95; that just stinks. I'd use stronger words, but I'm new here and don't want to offend ...... Wink
Diane Cupp
from the East Coast? I went there for a visit, Boston and Cape Cod...hmmm, it was interesting. too many people packed to tight for my taste. like the wide open spaces
Diane Cupp
thanks for making me a friend, wont get you any brownie points in some circles...bwahaha
Marilyn Sloper
I don't envy you that route. Ugh. It's horrible, even on a good day. Rt.95 is like a parking lot around 5pm. I use to stay later at work in Stoneham rather than battle the traffic because I'd rather be sitting in my office playing on my computer than stuck in a car that moves a foot or two every 1...
Stirling Thompson
Thank God I live in Worcester. County and never had to go that route. I always thought 45 minutes to Natick labs was bad enough. Now that I'm retired I don't miss the commute one bit.
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