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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.

john fawcett Robertson

Lives in Birmingham, United Kingdom ·
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Last Login:
July 22, 2013
Member Since:
February 20, 2013
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About Me

I was born in Inverary, Argyle and was brought up in England in a bording school which I hated. The English tried to take away my roots but failed. I am a true Highlander and very proud..I am married to Christine who is a from the Cambell Chlann and together we have three children whom all but one has flown the nest. There names are Craig, Lorelei and Nathan. Lorelei is a disabled child with only a few years to live so we are staying here in England till she passes, we will be returning home soon just after.I wear my Kilt every day and very proud to. The English rib me for doing so but hey who cares I am who I am and very proud. I will die for my Homeland Scotland..John


Braveheart, although not all true. Gone with the wind.


Simming, Running, Relaxing, Reading, Driving


Only Scottish music