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Amanda Moffet»Blogs

Lives in Edinburgh, Scotland · · is married to Tartan Footprint
Amanda Moffet
A MacKinnon Tale
Highland Revenge - An Ancient MacKinnon Tale As each generation passes the torch to the next, something is always lost. Some stories and songs do not get passed down, while others only do so in a gar...
Topics: Clan MacKinnon
Amanda Moffet
Scot fights for apology from Japanese PM for PoW Father'...
[caption id="attachment_577" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="POW's After VJ Day. Patrick James McAnulty, never fully recovered from more than three years of captivity in Japan. McAnulty; standi...
Amanda Moffet
Sir Jack Leslie - A true eccentric
Still moving and shaking around the globe at 93 My most memorable holiday was... a three-month, round-the-world-trip back in 1957. I just took a wad of travellers' cheques, a little suitcase and wen...
Topics: lesle
Amanda Moffet
Clearances statue unveiled in Canada
A statue has been unveiled in Winnipeg Canada marking the achievements of those who left Scotland for Canada during the Highland Clearances. It is the fist statue of its kind to be erected outside S...
Topics: Clearances
Amanda Moffet
Is there a connection between Burness and Campbell of A...
We have been having an email conversation with someone looking into whether Burness is indeed associated with Cambell of Argyll. In Books such as 'Tartan for Me' it does link Burness with Campbell,...
Amanda Moffet
New Japanese Tartan Design.
A brand new tartan has just been created for Japan. The colours reflect the spring blossom and the design also draws inspiration from Thomas Glover, the 'Scottish Samurai'. Glover was born in 1838 i...
Topics: Tartan
Amanda Moffet
The Greatest Ever Leither?
There's a competition running down here in sunny Leith at the moment to find the greatest ever 'Leither'. The historic port of Leith to the north of Edinburgh (though now part of the city) has had mor...
Topics: Leith
Amanda Moffet
Armstrongs on TV
The BBC has begun the re-broadcast of the series 'Scotland's Clans' with the story of Clan Armstrong. This was broadcast here in the UK on Monday night and is available online on the BBCi Player. I...
Amanda Moffet
Sawney Bean and his tribe
No-one is absolutely sure if these gruesome villains existed, or if they were just English propaganda to blacken the Scottish name after the Jacobite rising, but if you had been traveling in Galloway ...
Topics: Sawnwy Bean
Amanda Moffet
Bob Dylan Names Robert Burns as His Biggest Inspiration
Bob Dylan's music has inspired generations of music lovers. He has now named his own personal inspiration as our favorite Scots poet Robert Burns. When asked which lyric or verse had the largest i...
Topics: Robert Burns
Amanda Moffet
Clan Christmas Cards
Yes we know its only October but this latest offering from ScotClans list of 'homespun' products has arrived just in time. We teamed up with our very good friends at Edinblythe, who have been making f...
Topics: Christmas
Amanda Moffet
Campaign to Return Scotland's Birth Certificate
'Scotland's Birth Certificate' describes the earliest surviving record of the country's existence. This ancient document which is 1,000 years old is being held in the national library of France, where...
Topics: MacAlpin
Amanda Moffet
The Credit Crunch and Scotland's Crafts
Earlier this month we were sad to see one of our long established manufacturers run into trouble. It's the first of 2009 but probably not the last. The oncoming recession is going to hit Scottish busi...
Amanda Moffet
Scottish Photo Archive
There is a fantastic new site: which is an archive of Scotland's national collections: The National Archives; The National Library; the National Museums; the National Trust for Sco...