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Amanda Moffet»Blogs

Lives in Edinburgh, Scotland · · is married to Tartan Footprint
Amanda Moffet
Helena Bonham Carter wears tartan for her CBE
The King's Speech star Helena Bonham Carter met a real-life royal today as she was honoured with a CBE. We have to say how fantastic she looks, decked out in a Vivienne Westwood creation of strikin...
Topics: Tartan
Amanda Moffet
You can slice us but you'll never take our flavour!!!
Saw this at the supermarket, made me laugh so much had to share it. ...
Amanda Moffet
New Bannockburn Heritage Centre for 2014
This is an artists impression of what the site will look like when the centre is opened for the 700th anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn in 2014. The Heritage Centre is currently a rather dre...
Topics: Bannockburn, battles
Amanda Moffet
Why is Edinburgh Airport so un-Scottish?
We are just back from a trip to Iceland, don’t travel abroad much so was quite wide eyed with the relatively new experience. As the plane approached Iceland we could see hot springs spouting up from t...
Amanda Moffet
Scottish Parents upset at Weetos breakfast cereal
Oops We've been having a good laugh in the office today at this news article:  ...
Amanda Moffet
Life of Pi poster shows Scottish Shipwreck
Left is The Life of Pi poster, and on the right the wreck of The Sovereign A Scottish Shipwreck makes a cameo appearance in The Ang Lee Blockbuster - Life of Pi. Surprised locals recognised the wre...
Amanda Moffet
Founder of Clan Keith Society Dies
Sadly the Founder of The Clan Keith Society USA, INC., George L. Newberry, passed away this morning. George founded the USA Clan Keith Society with John Newberry at Grandfather Mountain. Without Geo...
Topics: Keith
Amanda Moffet
Burns Night Emergencies - What we have in stock
Here at ScotClans we see that ordering clothes for Burns night always catches people by surprise and we get inundated with people desperately needing some tartan to wear to their Burns event. The dea...
Amanda Moffet
Clan MacKinnon gets a new Chieftan
Clan MacKinnon have a new lease of life - not only have they appointed a new Chieftan but have a shiny new website. This will serve as a great resource to the widespread MacKinnon Clan. They want ev...
Topics: MacKinnon
Amanda Moffet
Hanging up the Haggis
THE world’s top haggis hurler Alan Pettigrew has announced he is to quit before his 29 year old record is broken. His world record was set in 1984 when he threw a 1lb 8oz haggis 180ft and 10in on t...
Topics: haggis
Amanda Moffet
Medieval knight remains found in Edinburgh car park
An elaborately decorated sandstone slab bearing markings of a member of the nobility – the carvings of the Calvary Cross and an ornate sword.   The skeleton of a medieval knight have been discovered ...
Amanda Moffet
Q&A: Charlie “Chick” Allan Of Saor Patrol
He’s led an army of 160 trained warriors through the gory battle scenes of Gladiator and the forests of Robin Hood. Is the father of five children. And heralded as one of Scotland’s most dedicated pr...
Amanda Moffet
Scots fought 'in bright yellow war shirts not Bravehear...
Medieval Scottish soldiers fought wearing bright yellow war shirts dyed in horse urine rather than the tartan plaid depicted in the film Braveheart, according  research. Historian Fergus Cannan stat...