The Scottish Bodach
A Bodach is a mythical spirit or creature, rather like the bogeyman. The word is a Scottish Gaelic term for "old man". Historically its meaning is "mature person", from bod "penis" and the suffix -ach...
Proud ScotClans customer's son is lone piper
Just had an email from one of our customers to thank us for a kilt pin she had just received. She also told us that her son Marshall had played with the Royal Scots Dragoon & Coldstream when they w...
bagpipes, Royal Scots Dragoon
The man who escaped a hanging, a tale from Arran
While camping on the Isle of Arran we visited Brodick Castle which is on the east coast of the island. A castle owned mainly by the Hamiltons, it was used recently as a hunting lodge. In front of th...
Giants Grave on Arran
A very grey rainy day, we thought we'd take a walk up to The Giants Grave, a Neolithic burial chamber on the hill above Whiting Bay.