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Amanda Moffet»Blogs

Lives in Edinburgh, Scotland · · is married to Tartan Footprint
Amanda Moffet
Worlds Oldest Shinty Trophy Found
A ram's horn trophy. Mary Dudgeon, of Craikaig Farm in the Highlands came forward with this unusual trophy, it is officially the world’s oldest shinty trophy, a decorated ram's horn.  Mary's farm is ...
Topics: Shinty
Amanda Moffet
List of all Clan Museums - Work Ongoing
I have just started this list - thought it would be useful to have - please respond with any clan centres/museums you know of. Thanks Scotland ArmstrongClan Armstrong
Amanda Moffet
Not another famous ancestor!
For some unknown reason, in the genealogical world, it seems that some famous person is always doing the rounds. When I see someone claiming some famous ancestor, my first thought and question normall...
Topics: Charlemagne
Amanda Moffet
Bagpipes made from a whole goat!
Risto Todoroski is playing a Macedonian gaida (bagpipe) made from a whole billy goat skin, hardwood sleeved in water-buffalo horn. A slow song followed by a folkdance tune from Macedonia and Thra...
Topics: bagpipes
Amanda Moffet
The legacy of Margaret MacNab - over 100 years of fami...
James and Jane McNab lived in the coastal town of Girvan on the west coast of Scotland. It was a fishing port and agricultural region. The Isle of Arran could be seen across the sea and the Ailsa Crai...
Topics: MacBan, Mcnab, macnab
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Amanda Moffet
Duke of Cumberland's Stone: The rock with a hard place ...
After Culloden, the Duke of Cumberland's Stone, a relic of the last Ice Age, became forever linked to the battle's bogeyman. But is it deserving of the association and the abuse it has taken over ma...
Topics: Cumberland, Forbes
Amanda Moffet
Silver Pocketwatch of Sir Alexander Jardine?
At ScotClans we often get quite unusual emails. The other week I got one from someone who was asking if we could help her find out about a solid silver hunter pocket watch which thanks to it's inscri...
Amanda Moffet
New fashion of getting a Sgian Dubh tattooed
We recently had a comment on a post about Sgian Dubhs being banned at events telling us of a new craze going across America at the moment – getting Sgian Dubhs tattooed! This is particularly popular ...
Topics: sgain dubh
Amanda Moffet
Burns Night Emergencies - What we have in stock
Here at ScotClans we see that ordering clothes for Burns night always catches people by surprise and we get inundated with people desperately needing some tartan to wear to their Burns event. The dea...
Amanda Moffet
Drum Castle - seat of Clan Irvine to receive £700,000 c...
Essential work has begun on Drum Castle in an effort to help preserve the Scotland’s oldest castle keep. The 700-year-old medieval tower at the National Trust for Scotland’s Drum Castle near Bancho...
Topics: Irvine, Drum Castle