The Year of Sheep - Scots Protest against The Highland ...
The year of Homecoming is upon us, when expats and people from abroad with Scottish blood return to their homeland to celebrate all things Scottish.
But 217 years ago, the Government were doing qu...
- May 22, 2009 1:18 pm
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Where in Scotland Does Grounds Keeper Willie Come From?
Mostly drunk and angry with mad red hair this Caledonian oath appears an unlikely candidate to be credited with any civic reception.
But no, two of Scotland's biggest cities, Glasgow and Aberdeen...
DNA used to try and solve the name game for outlawed Ma...
The MacGregors were once the most feared and persecuted clansmen in Scotland - forced to renounce their ancient ancestry or face execution.
Clan Gregor was effectively erased from existence after K...
Urquhart Castle and The Magic Well
Way back in the days before Urquhart Castle existed in the days when the Great Glen was just starting to have settlers - perhaps some of our Urquhart ancestors before the name of Urquhart was even...
Urquhart, Urquhart Castle
The Kind Scottish Wulver
Wulvers are ofter called werewolves, but legend shows they are quite different. Said to inhabit the Shetland Islands off the coast of northeast Scotland. The ancient Celts believed that the Wulv...
Scottish Myths, Wulver
All hail to the female chiefs
Men and women have long been recognised in Scotland as equals. A good example of this is that female chiefs supply a goodly number of places in the current 135-strong listings of the Standing Council ...
Tartan Paint Now Available on ScotClans
After much waiting - we've finally done it - we proudly announce our brand new product - TARTAN PAINT! Exclusive to
Now available in just the modern colours, (we haven't worked out...
Bride's och aye, the poo!
FUMING bride DECKED her kilt-wearing hubby when he sat on her knee at the reception and left a SKIDMARK on her wedding dress!
Like all true Scotsmen, Angus McClure, 26, didn't wear pants under his...
Ploughman's Charms
While I was in Biggar the other weekend I visited the museum and came across this interesting story, thought i'd share it.
Whenever a ploughmn turned up a stone with hole in it he kept it and hung i...
You can slice us but you'll never take our flavour!!!
Saw this at the supermarket, made me laugh so much had to share it.