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Amanda Moffet»Blogs

Lives in Edinburgh, Scotland · · is married to Tartan Footprint
Amanda Moffet
Why is Edinburgh Airport so un-Scottish?
We are just back from a trip to Iceland, don’t travel abroad much so was quite wide eyed with the relatively new experience. As the plane approached Iceland we could see hot springs spouting up from t...
Amanda Moffet
Scottish Parents upset at Weetos breakfast cereal
Oops We've been having a good laugh in the office today at this news article:  ...
Amanda Moffet
Founder of Clan Keith Society Dies
Sadly the Founder of The Clan Keith Society USA, INC., George L. Newberry, passed away this morning. George founded the USA Clan Keith Society with John Newberry at Grandfather Mountain. Without Geo...
Topics: Keith
Amanda Moffet
A MacKinnon Tale
Highland Revenge - An Ancient MacKinnon Tale As each generation passes the torch to the next, something is always lost. Some stories and songs do not get passed down, while others only do so in a gar...
Topics: Clan MacKinnon
Amanda Moffet
The Greatest Ever Leither?
There's a competition running down here in sunny Leith at the moment to find the greatest ever 'Leither'. The historic port of Leith to the north of Edinburgh (though now part of the city) has had mor...
Topics: Leith
Amanda Moffet
Bob Dylan Names Robert Burns as His Biggest Inspiration
Bob Dylan's music has inspired generations of music lovers. He has now named his own personal inspiration as our favorite Scots poet Robert Burns. When asked which lyric or verse had the largest i...
Topics: Robert Burns
Amanda Moffet
Scotclans was at the Edinburgh Twitter Festival (Twestival)last night. We saw quite a few nice kilts, met some intersting people and raised lots of money for the charity 'Water'. We failed however, ...
Amanda Moffet
Scots Slang - Nothing beats it!
Thanks to our twitter crowd we've been inspired to start collecting some of the our favorite examples of Scottish slang. Here's what we have so far: Driech as in its a driech day ootside yer erse is...
Amanda Moffet
Scottish places mentioned in songs
A challenge has been set by our Twitter supporter BergFulton to find songs that mention specific sites/cities in Scotland. Bonus points if the band is not actually Scottish .... So here we are: Loch...
Amanda Moffet
Spring Has Sprung in Edinburgh's Botanic Gardens
Today was a beautiful Spring day in Edinburgh. The ScotClans family had a day out at The Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. Saw lots of wildlife; a fox, heron and of course squirrels. ...
Topics: Botanics