Clan MacKinnon gets a new Chieftan
Clan MacKinnon have a new lease of life - not only have they appointed a new Chieftan but have a shiny new website. This will serve as a great resource to the widespread MacKinnon Clan. They want ev...
- January 18, 2013 8:50 pm
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Burns Night Emergencies - What we have in stock
Here at ScotClans we see that ordering clothes for Burns night always catches people by surprise and we get inundated with people desperately needing some tartan to wear to their Burns event.
The dea...
Founder of Clan Keith Society Dies
Alice Hattenbrun likes this.
Sadly the Founder of The Clan Keith Society USA, INC., George L. Newberry, passed away this morning.
George founded the USA Clan Keith Society with John Newberry at Grandfather Mountain. Without Geo...

Life of Pi poster shows Scottish Shipwreck
Left is The Life of Pi poster, and on the right the wreck of The Sovereign
A Scottish Shipwreck makes a cameo appearance in The Ang Lee Blockbuster - Life of Pi.
Surprised locals recognised the wre...
Scottish Parents upset at Weetos breakfast cereal
We've been having a good laugh in the office today at this news article: