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Amanda Moffet»Blogs

Lives in Edinburgh, Scotland · · is married to Tartan Footprint
Amanda Moffet
Here's a video (apologise but it's our first attempt) of our day out to Wanlockhead, the highest village in Scotland. We were married in the next village, Leadhills and had our wedding reception here...
Topics: Wanlockhead
Amanda Moffet
A New Take on Robert Burns
Robert Burns in literature was a lonely, unhealthy, complicated, romantic and earthy genius but in art he has always been shown as biscuit tin boring. The standard Burns image is flat and lifeless,...
Topics: Robert Burns
Amanda Moffet
Wooden Kilt Ready for Tartan Week
Every year at New York's Dressed to Kilt we see stars doning their kilts and celebrating Tartan Week. This event has become a way for Kilt designers to flaunt their creativity and also make the odd ...
Amanda Moffet
Ghost Photographed at Scottish Castle
A photo taken by tourist Christopher Aitchison in May 2008 at Tantallon Castle appears to show a person looking out in old style clothing. Insisting the photo isn't tampered with this image is baff...
Amanda Moffet
Spring Has Sprung in Edinburgh's Botanic Gardens
Today was a beautiful Spring day in Edinburgh. The ScotClans family had a day out at The Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. Saw lots of wildlife; a fox, heron and of course squirrels. ...
Topics: Botanics