'World's Worst Poet' Has Last Laugh
Roy Mcniel Melville, Margaret Moffet, Rodger Moffet and 1 other person likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Scottish Poet William McGonagall dubbed 'world's worst'
A handwritten, unpublished work by a Scottish music hall performer known as the world's worst poet is set to fetch thousands of pounds at au...
William McGonagall
- February 18, 2013 7:14 pm
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Macnab of Macnab - Scotland's Newest Chief
by Nadine Lee
Clan Macnab – Let Fear Be Far From All
One of the most fascinating things about Scotland is the way that a country steeped in history and tradition is colliding with the new. This is especially true ...
chief, Clan Socieities, Gathering 2009, Heir, Killin, Macnab, Smooth John Macnab
Macnab Memorial
by Nadine Lee
Macnab Country – The village of Killin and Loch Tay from Stron a’Chlachain. Photo by Andy Hall
Last Friday Amanda and I attended the memorial service for James Charles Macnab of Macnab, 23rd Chief o...
Macnab, Death, Dochart Falls, Innis Bhuidhe, Killin, Memorial Service, The Trossochs
Tartan Day 2013 Guide
by Nadine Lee
With Tartan Day just around the corner, we've put together a selection of global events celebrating Scotland's contribution to the world. This year's festivities range from a Ceilidh in Cuba, to hist...
Buenos Aires, Canada, Ceilidh, Cuba, Decleration of Arbroath, Edward II, Netherlands, New York, Parade, Roberth the Bruce, South Africa, Tartan Day, Tartan Week, United States, United States of America
An Unlikely Jacobite Hero
by Nadine Lee
A number of molehills have sprung up across the battlefield site at Culloden, much to the delight of a Jacobite supporters group. The Circle of Gentlemen – a Highland based Jacobite supporters socie...