Lives in Maryland United States ·
hello I am new here and am trying to find out what clan I belong to. I am a Thompson I have traced my dads line to a William Thomson in Perthshire Scotland. how can I find out if we are part of the Th...
- July 20, 2015 3:07 pm
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Stirling Thompson
By all means, talk it over with your family. After all family is what its all about. If you do decide to join us you can find the membership application on line at the Clan Thom(p)son website and you can find lots of other interesting stuff there as well.
- July 20, 2015
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michele thompson
thank you so much.
- July 20, 2015
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Amanda Moffet shared a video
STORY OF THE THOMPSONS PART 4 16mins-Desktop.m4v
DURATION: 16 minutes
In part Four of this video series Jim Thompson explains how he has traced his great, great, grandfather's mid-19th century trail from Belfast in Northern Ireland to a prosperous n...
In part Four of this video series Jim Thompson explains how he has traced his great, great, grandfather's mid-19th century trail from Belfast in Northern Ireland to a prosperous n...
Stirling Thompson
OK. I watched all four videos and really all I can say is that these poor folks have drunk the MacTavish kool aid. They have spouted the BS that MacTavish have put up on their website without bothering to verify the facts. MacTavish was never a powerful clan, the Dunardry MacTavishes did NOT fight a...
Amanda Moffet shared a photo
From Inverary Jail - John Thomson was the prison surgein there from Jan 4th 1848. He would see each prisoner once a week, making sure they were adequately fed and that their cells were properly heate...
Clan Thompson Society was granted Ensigns Armorial by Lord Lyon last year. While our chiefly line has long been lost, the society is working to once again establish the Thom(p)sons among their lowland...
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