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Wall Comment: #41

Lynn McAlister
Hello, Brenda. Whereabouts in Canada are you? I'm from Hamilton, though haven't lived there in years. I lived in the UK for some time and am now near Chicago.

I'm a Macalister historian and manage a Ma...
Brenda McAlaster
Hi Lynn - how are you? I live in Saskatoon now. Was born and raised on a farm and in a small town in southern Saskatchewan. I have an uncle who has done a lot of research. Would you like me to email you his latest offering? My grandfather, Hector Charles McAlaster, is from eastern Canada. Are ...
Lynn McAlister
How old is your daughter? Good for her! We tried to get our son interested in piping but he's always been far more interested in Transformers. (Son: 'Wouldn't it be cool if Transformers existed in the real world?' Me: 'They do. They were invented in Denmark.' Son rolls his eyes as if unable to belie...
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