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Chas Mac Donald

Lives in Scotland ·
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Chas Mac Donald
Yay me! The balloons have gone by and now I'm in the room? Eric Blair would be proud of me!
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Chas Mac Donald
Wow! Interesting!

...Roast pigeon with a side garnish of charred rag! Heston Blumenthal would be interested!
Chas Mac Donald
Red Balloons going by ... Tongue
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Chas Mac Donald
96 ... getting there. I MUST be the first person to a hundred, shoorly! And no, Donald, Any, Amanda, and good ole TF himself, don't count. <bloomin staffers, always trying to get ahead of the rest of ...
Chas Mac Donald
Bagde my ass (if you dare!) Mugs are where it's at! I am sooooo thirsty and not a mug to drink out of ... what's a barefoot pioneer to do ... ?
Amanda Moffet
heliopter is ready to launch with emergency Tartan Footprint mug - just email Rodger your address and we'll get it to you tout suite.
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Chas Mac Donald
That'll be the drugs, then? lol
Chas Mac Donald
Hey Everybody, have a look at the Clan Donald Gathering page I have created for the Clan Donald Gathering, hosted by Clan Ranald at Arisaig Highland Games on July 31st 2014. Y'all should be there!!
Chas Mac Donald
There's plenty of Aussies coming too! I can put you in touch if you want. NSW are having an AGM soon, as is CDAus I think (at Bundanoon)
Pauline Campbell
Thanks for the offer Chas. but as we are going on a European holiday in October, we probably will be a bit short of money to have another big one the following year, but hopefully the next one after that.
My sister and I joined the Clan Donald group here in SA a few years ago, but unfortunately they ...
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