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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.

Chas Mac Donald

Lives in Scotland ·
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Status Update: #148

Chas Mac Donald
96 ... getting there. I MUST be the first person to a hundred, shoorly! And no, Donald, Any, Amanda, and good ole TF himself, don't count. <bloomin staffers, always trying to get ahead of the rest of ...
Amanda Moffet
Oh you so deserve a badge for that
Amanda Moffet
maybe even a mug!
Chas Mac Donald
Bagde my ass (if you dare!) Mugs are where it's at! I am sooooo thirsty and not a mug to drink out of ... what's a barefoot pioneer to do ... ?
Amanda Moffet
heliopter is ready to launch with emergency Tartan Footprint mug - just email Rodger your address and we'll get it to you tout suite.
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