Amanda Gunn Lane
Lives in Wiesbaden, Germany ·
Status Update: #69
Growing up I knew my paternal grandmother was Irish but it wasn't until recently I found my paternal grandfather was 3rd gen Scot-American and his family came from Caithness... how exactly is this pro...
- February 14, 2013 12:01 pm
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Tartan Footprint
Springtime can be quite good. We normally have a big trip around Easter and the weather has been pretty decent at that time the last few years. As any Scot will tell you, no matter the time of year, dress for ANY weather! it can be scorching one minute and snow the next.
- February 14, 2013
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Amanda Gunn Lane
Sounds a lot like East Texas!
- February 14, 2013
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Tommy Boyle
And take midge repellant!
- February 14, 2013
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Tartan Footprint
Amanda have a read through our friend Ben's recent blog articles. He's been writing about his travels around Caithness and Sutherland:
- February 14, 2013
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Tartan Footprint
Tommy thats why we like Easter, the Midges are not so fierce. Forget the usual jungle formula repellants though as our Midges laugh at them - what you need is Avon Skin so Soft spray. For some reason they hate it, you can buy it in any outdoor shop in the highlands.
- February 14, 2013
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Tommy Boyle
I have always been quite lucky as they dont seem to bother me,i have the same luck with the mosquito's abroad.Lucky or what lol.
- February 14, 2013
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Gerard McKenna
Hi. I am regularly out on the hills. Some of my friends use Skin so Soft and it seems to work for them...Unfortunately not for me ...if anything it seems to attract them more to me. I have to say I have tried various products but as yet nothing on the market has helped me.
- February 14, 2013
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Tartan Footprint
you must have particularly tasty blood 

- February 14, 2013
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Gerard McKenna
I must have...but my friends always ensure that I am included in their walks so that I keep the midges away from them lol
- February 14, 2013
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Tartan Footprint
see thats the mark of a true friend 

- February 14, 2013
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- 1 person