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Hollywood company plans to buy rights to Scottish turke...
Kay Ure was stranded for 30 days, kept away from her husband John and her home due to the severe winter snow and storms, and now a Hollywood movie company, Furst Films, has offered the Sutherland co...
Alex Salmond's Christmas Card Too 'Political'
Alex Salmond's annual Christmas card has been criticised by members of the opposition parties because of its inclusion of the St. Andrew's Cross. Both David McLetchie, Scottish Conservative chief w...
Man In Highland Dress Pays £3.99 For Rare Vinyl Worth T...
On the 28th of December a man, dressed in a full Scottish Highland outfit, purchased what was believed to have been an empty record box for £3.99 in an Edinburgh Oxfam shop, but it turned out it was...
John Ross - The Scottish Cherokee Chief
John Ross was considered one of the greatest chiefs of the Cherokee tribe, having been chief for nearly 40 years from 1828 to 1866, the year of his death. However, John was not how many would have ...
Robert Burns - Greatest Scot of all time...?
As part of the Homecoming Scotland celebrations, a poll was held by STV to see who the public believes the greatest ever Scot is. Thousands of people were said to have voted from the list of 35 nomi...
Scottish Fish & Chip Shop Best in UK
Atlantic Fast Food, in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire has been announced as the UK's best Fish and Chip shop at a ceremony in London. Giovanni Fionda, the shops owner, was in London with his parents, who ...
Thomas the Rhymer
Thomas Learmonth from Ercildoune (now Earlston), better known as Thomas the Rhymer was a 13th century Laird, poet and a supposed prophet. Legend tells us how Thomas the Rhymer went out walking one ...
New Tartans from Strathmore
Mill Strathmore has commissioned its designer to create five new tartans focusing on geographical areas to highlight the diversity and richness found in Scotland's natural surroundings. The colours ...
The Tragedy of Mary Hamilton
The well known ballad "Mary Hamilton", or "The Fower Maries" is a sixteenth century song about Mary Hamilton awaiting execution and telling the story of her downfall. Mary was a lady-in-waiting to a Q...
Lochearnhead Highland Games 2011
On Saturday the ScotClans team went up to the Highland Games at Lochearnhead to hold a stall for Clan MacLaren. The weather was glorious and it really highlighted the beauty of that part of the countr...