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New Tartans from Strathmore
Mill Strathmore has commissioned its designer to create five new tartans focusing on geographical areas to highlight the diversity and richness found in Scotland's natural surroundings. The colours ...
The Fyrish Monument
On a hill overlooking the Cromarty Firth is a striking, most un-highland monument. It is a replica of the gates of Negapatam, a port in Madras (now Chennai) in South East India. Negapatam was origin...
The Wardens of the Marches
The relationship between Scotland and England wasn't always as amicable as it is today. From the late 13th century to the 16th century, Scotland and England were constantly at war with each other. Thi...
John Ross - The Scottish Cherokee Chief
John Ross was considered one of the greatest chiefs of the Cherokee tribe, having been chief for nearly 40 years from 1828 to 1866, the year of his death. However, John was not how many would have ...
Remains of Scot Soldiers Hoped to be Discovered in Lütz...
Renowned archaeologist Dr. Tony Pollard will be hoping that the remains of soldiers from Scotland will be found buried in the German town of Lützen. Under a modern-day supermarket in the east Germ...