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Map of 2012 Highland Games and Scottish Events - Update...
frameborder="0" width="0" height="0" width="425" height="350" View 2012 Highland Games and Scottish Events in a larger map A map pinpointing many of the Highland Games and Scottish events taking pl...
Glasgow's New Church Is Going To Be Rubbish
A new church is set to be built in Glasgow made out of recycled items ranging from empty beer cans to bales of straw. The church, theatre, and community centre will be situated in Milton, north Glas...
Clan Donald Society wanting to restore reputation of 'F...
The Clan Donald Society are looking to restore the reputation of one of the Victorian era's most celebrated soldiers, Major General Sir Hector 'Fighting Mac' MacDonald. In his hometown of Dingwall, ...
Braemar Castle
Braemar Castle in Aberdeenshire was first built by the 18th Earl of Mar, John Erskine in 1628, using it as a hunting lodge and strong hold against the powerful neighbouring Farquharson family. The cas...
The Fyrish Monument
On a hill overlooking the Cromarty Firth is a striking, most un-highland monument. It is a replica of the gates of Negapatam, a port in Madras (now Chennai) in South East India. Negapatam was origin...
World's Largest Kilt
The iconic Golden Driller statue in the Oklahoma city of Tulsa has been made a temporary Scotsman after he was dressed in what has been claimed as the world's largest kilt. The statue has been dress...
Topics: kilt, Oklahoma, Tulsa
Travel guide warns Vikings of hostile Scottish natives
An Icelandic 'travel guide' from the 13th century gave warning to any Viking thinking of heading to 'Skotland' to do a bit of plundering that they should be wary of the aggressive natives with their i...
The best jokes at the 2011 Edinburgh Festival
English comedian Nick Helm won the best joke award at this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the worlds largest arts festival. His one liner from his show "Dare To Dream" - "I needed a password eigh...
Lochearnhead Highland Games 2011
On Saturday the ScotClans team went up to the Highland Games at Lochearnhead to hold a stall for Clan MacLaren. The weather was glorious and it really highlighted the beauty of that part of the countr...
The Tragedy of Mary Hamilton
The well known ballad "Mary Hamilton", or "The Fower Maries" is a sixteenth century song about Mary Hamilton awaiting execution and telling the story of her downfall. Mary was a lady-in-waiting to a Q...