Clan Rossie
The surname Rossie is of territorial origin, coming from the lands of Rossie in Fife.
Near Montrose was where the family of Rossy of that Ilk had an early settlement as vassals of Norman de Malherbe.
In 1219, Robertus de Rossyn was witness to the preambulation of the marches of the lands of Arbroath Abbey and the barony of Kynblathmund, and a charter of the lands of Rossi were given to Robert de Rossi's son, Thomas de Rossi by Hugo Malherb in or around 1245.
In 1296, by signing the Ragman Roll, Walter de Rossy, along with a number of other Scottish nobles, pledged his allegiance to England's Edward I.
A charter from Robert I (the Bruce) gives the lands of Inrony, or Inyoney, in the sheriffdom of Forfar to Henry Rossie, and Bernard Rossie, or Rosse, had a charter from Robert III for the lands of Inene, also in the Forfar sheriffdom.
During 1340, Johannes Rossy was in possession of land in Aberdeen. John de Rossy was witness to the signing of a document in Brechin, Angus, in 1364, and in 1457, David Rossy de eodem was a juror on an inquest in regards to the lands of Ouchterlowny.